So here it is half way through the first month of 2015 and I
am just now getting around to blogging again. I took some time off at the
holidays and I really felt like I was in no big hurry to get back to it. As a
matter of fact I am kind of forcing myself to write this because I still don’t
feel like it. Lol…I have been feeling so lazy since the first of the year and I
am totally unmotivated to get started on any new projects.
Well 2014 came and went and I think I got a lot done around
here. Way back in the beginning of the year I updated my living room and then decided it needed tweaking even more and now looks more like this below. Not exactly, but close. You'll notice all the shelves are gone.
I turned a useless little.junk closet into a useful second pantry. I did a chalkboard project or two. I painted several different rooms, doors, fireplaces and misc.objects. I tried my hand at free hand art work on a bedroom wall and it turned out great.
I turned a useless little.junk closet into a useful second pantry. I did a chalkboard project or two. I painted several different rooms, doors, fireplaces and misc.objects. I tried my hand at free hand art work on a bedroom wall and it turned out great.