UPDATE: So I updated my comments with IntenseDebate and Commentluv....someone PLEASE comment so I can see if it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think it will work better now since anyone can comment not just google users but the down side? I LOST ALL MY COMMENTS TODAY. :( NOT JUST SOME, BUT ALL, ON ALL MY POSTS FROM THE BEGINNING. I AM SO SAD!!
Ok, today I am beyond frustrated! I can not work out my "comments" box on this stinkin blog. I didn't realize when I 'hooked' up with Google plus comments that only people with Google accounts could comment. No one else can! I don't like that idea and lately I have had people telling me that they tried to comment on my blog and couldn't. So I have decided to go with another comment system such as Disqus or Intensedebate which appear to be some of the top comment systems out there. But I can't do it!!!! I have followed all the directions for both and neither show up. Only Google plus. It's like it attached to my blog and I can't destroy it! I "took my blog back" from Google as I read to do. All that seems to have happened it that I lost my openID, and it removed my google profile from my blog. But it left behind the Google commenting system! The one thing ...
I was trying to get rid of. When I go into settings and comments it still shows Google comments "enabled" and it gives me nowhere to uncheck enabled or change it or delete it! Ugh............... It's driving me bonkers. People can't comment without a Google account and I am not getting notified of some of comment. Sorry folks! I am trying to figure it out!
If anyone has any help and can't comment feel free to email me gcbeese@gmail.com
Ok, today I am beyond frustrated! I can not work out my "comments" box on this stinkin blog. I didn't realize when I 'hooked' up with Google plus comments that only people with Google accounts could comment. No one else can! I don't like that idea and lately I have had people telling me that they tried to comment on my blog and couldn't. So I have decided to go with another comment system such as Disqus or Intensedebate which appear to be some of the top comment systems out there. But I can't do it!!!! I have followed all the directions for both and neither show up. Only Google plus. It's like it attached to my blog and I can't destroy it! I "took my blog back" from Google as I read to do. All that seems to have happened it that I lost my openID, and it removed my google profile from my blog. But it left behind the Google commenting system! The one thing ...
I was trying to get rid of. When I go into settings and comments it still shows Google comments "enabled" and it gives me nowhere to uncheck enabled or change it or delete it! Ugh............... It's driving me bonkers. People can't comment without a Google account and I am not getting notified of some of comment. Sorry folks! I am trying to figure it out!
If anyone has any help and can't comment feel free to email me gcbeese@gmail.com
You'll get it worked out!