Monday, February 7, 2011

Measuring Up

What do you do when you don't feel like you measure up? Like there is always something you are doing wrong? I have felt that way for quite a while with certain issues and people. Sometimes I feel like I am being measured by a yardstick that belongs to someone else...
I am not quite as good a gramma, a wife, a mother or sister or daughter, friend, church member etc because I don't do it "their" way. I am not who THEY decided I should be. I have spent a lifetime trying to become what others feel I should be. I should do this more or that more. Trying to live up to the expectations of others is exhausting. And no matter how hard you try-someone thinks you are still wrong or gets their feelings hurt. All this does is lead to hurt feelings, and anger. I have been hurt too and I have forgiven. Hurt is a part of life. Forgiveness is a choice we make to follow a commandment of God. I have been judged even by those who are living in their own sin. Those that hide their sin and still judge. Those who repent and re-dedicate and then look down their nose and judge. We are all on journey, a path towards God. We are all at different crossroads, or distances along that path. It is our job to help- not judge those who are behind us on the path. We were there once. We don't win people into the kingdom of God through judgment. We win then in by love and acceptance and then let God do the work in them. We should be putting our hand out along the path to help others behind us and reaching out to those in front us for guidance and wisdom.

I have slowly begun to realize that God made me- Me! He didn't make me like everyone else. I am different. Just as you are. I may not be everyone's cup of tea but I am His. And I am doing the best I can. He loves me and doesn't judge me like others. He doesn't expect me to behave like everyone else. He is shaping me. Working on me and molding me-in His image. And it takes time. I will never be perfect-not until His work is complete in me. And I believe that time will be when I am standing before Him. So I am on my journey. And as I have heard before....I may not be where I want to be (or where you think I should) but I am not where I was.
Be blessed!!


  1. excellent word, Ginger. Glad to see you do some blogging. I was expecting more out of you............ha ha ha...........JUST KIDDING!!!!! (I couldn't resist) At prayer last Wednesday night, we were talking about something kind of similar. Good job.

  2. I think we all have these feelings at one time or another....there will always be people who disagree with you, or who just plain don't like you, but what is important is that you still like yourself and I see that you have quite a bit of confidence when you really need to speak out! :-) Nuttin wrong with that either!


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