Every 3 or 4 months I have what I call a "nooks and crannies" day. It's a
day that I grab a bucket filled with lilac smelling pinesol, Windex, paper
towels and a clean rag.
I start at my front door (my house circles around) and begin with the entry and go to the right to the LR, dining room, kitchen around to the family room and back to the entry and the guest powder room and stairs. And I clean all the nooks and crannies along the way. I look at all the corners, light switches, plugs, window sills, baseboard etc and start wiping down.
I start at my front door (my house circles around) and begin with the entry and go to the right to the LR, dining room, kitchen around to the family room and back to the entry and the guest powder room and stairs. And I clean all the nooks and crannies along the way. I look at all the corners, light switches, plugs, window sills, baseboard etc and start wiping down.
But once I am done the house smells so fresh and looks so clean. Honestly this
is something everyone should do every couple months. It is so worth it, it
really is. No one will ever come into your house and notice how clean your
baseboards are or how clean the corner on your walls are or anything like that.
But if they are dirty... believe me, people will notice.
My day was yesterday! I sprayed the baseboard in about 6 foot increments with the Windex and then take
the wet rag and swipe along and keep going. No scrubbing to it at all. It really
moves along fast and at least for me, I have found that Windex works the best. I scoot along the floor so I don't have to keep getting up and
down (that's hard on the back). I hit any chair or table legs I come across too.
I can literally get through a room in minutes and the baseboard looks amazing.
(And they were really bad this time- don't judge!) and then I stand and go to the chair rail,
light switches and anything at eye level including picture frames. I move very
quickly because most of this isn't about dirt, it's about the accumulation of
dust so it wipes easily. When I am done with the room I start looking for
the "doggie" corners. I have 3 dogs that when traveling through the house they round the doorways and corners and brush against them and leave
behind dirt. So I give a quick spray of the Windex and with the wet rag hit those
too, and they're gone in seconds. Not to mention all the little fingerprints along the doorways.
So that's how I spent my day...what about you?
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