Monday, August 11, 2014


Well it's still raining here in southeast North Carolina.  I believe it’s now been about a month straight of rain! This is a place that is generally sunny. I mean every day, cold or hot -the sun is shining. But not this summer. It's the first summer like this I can remember. Tons and tons of rain. I happen to really love rainy days. They are cozy and peaceful to me. But enough is enough!
And I don't know if it's because of the rain or not, but I haven't managed to get much of anything  done in the last couple weeks. A little putzin around, doing some odd jobs cleaning and organizing around the place, but really not much. But it sure is amazing how much easier it is to clean when you are organized! I am also preparing (mostly in my mind) for a big garage sale at the end of August. Ugh... I will do this one and that's it! I really don’t like having them. It’s a lot of work.

So, I asked in a previous post "why can't I commit to the color RED in my house?" even though I like a touch of it as you can see here....

I have an extremely hard time committing to it as a color. I guess cuz I think it can be done so wrong at times and I don't want to do that. I've seen it done a little to "harsh" and I also as y'all know (because I've said it enough times) HATE country style. Now don't get me wrong, I’m not judging.  Country style if ya love it. I have seen it done well. But it's just not my style AND I personally can't do it well. I do love the Farmhouse style though and there is a distinction. So maybe red makes me think country? Or maybe it’s the fact that red can cause a bit of anxiety?  hmmm...

Well anyway, I painted this little stool RED this week. I really like it. 

Isnt it the cutest little stool? And how about this basket? What a great find!

I think it looks better red than the blue/grey striped that it was. But can I jump on board with the red? Hmmm… I also picked up this adorable little basket.  I just love it…lol…so does Mad Max, apparently. He won't leave the potatoes alone!

 Then I was out poking around at Pelican's Roost (a big second hand/estate sale barn in town) this week and found a little red tea kettle for a couple bucks (you can see it above). So I said, ok, I guess I just give it a shot. And I love change so I have no problem repainting things and switching out colors.

So....what do y'all think of red? Does it make it Farmhouse? (PLEASE) or does it make it country? (NO!!!!!). Not much invested here so I’d love to hear your views! Can y’all do RED well? Does anyone else think it’s a hard color to do well?....Let me know what ya think?????

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