Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Hey y’all. How ya doin on this incredibly hot and humid day? least here in southeast North Carolina it sure is. It's absolutely stifling! And guess what? Today of all days our central air takes a dump. Thankfully, the guys are here fixing it so we will have cool air shortly. They were here within a couple hours of my call, polite and got the job done as quickly as possible. Poor guys had to go work up in the attic. Yikes!
So a few things….I did baseboard trim for the first time. Yay! I added baseboard to my daughters bathroom. Unfortunately, no pictures today. I have to finish up the caulking and painting and then I will take some. I know it’s not a big deal or a hard project but it’s the first time for me and I feel like it was a big accomplishment for me. J

So my daughter and I worked on her "wall collection" too. I think she did a great job! She’s a lot more “vintagey” then I am but I love doing different styles, so it was fun helping her. She’s still not really happy with it and wants to change out a few things but its pretty so I thought I’d show ya. J 

Sorry for the poor quality pics but I didn't have my camera with me, only my phone.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Social Media at its best...and it's worst.

Social media. I was talking about it on the phone today with a friend today. A friend I went to high school with but didn’t really know. But now I do. Yep, you got it-through social media. We have connected over social media and this blog. How cool is that? I love reconnecting with old friends, meeting new ones, keeping in touch with family and friends back home and just generally seeing what is going on in everyone’s lives.
I enjoy seeing all the wonderful videos, posts and statuses from around the world. It’s truly amazing. I share stories of my family. I share this blog, along with decorating likes and dislikes. I share a lot! It’s sometimes hard to imagine life before it all existed. I mean seriously, what was it like?

Monday, August 18, 2014

Random thoughts...

So I thought I’d just share a few random thoughts and ideas.
I am very saddened by the death of Robin Williams. Such a tragedy that he must have spent the last moments of his life feeling as though he had no hope or joy. He must have been so despondent to have believed that ending his life was a viable option. My heart breaks for his family. 
I hope if there is anyone out there reading this that feels like that, you will talk to someone. Tell someone. Seek help. Scream it from the rooftops, but don’t believe for a minute that there is no hope for you. And know that you are loved whether you know it or not. And yes, I am talking about God. He is there. And He is hope. Talk to someone please if you have even considered this.

Monday, August 11, 2014


Well it's still raining here in southeast North Carolina.  I believe it’s now been about a month straight of rain! This is a place that is generally sunny. I mean every day, cold or hot -the sun is shining. But not this summer. It's the first summer like this I can remember. Tons and tons of rain. I happen to really love rainy days. They are cozy and peaceful to me. But enough is enough!
And I don't know if it's because of the rain or not, but I haven't managed to get much of anything  done in the last couple weeks. A little putzin around, doing some odd jobs cleaning and organizing around the place, but really not much. But it sure is amazing how much easier it is to clean when you are organized! I am also preparing (mostly in my mind) for a big garage sale at the end of August. Ugh... I will do this one and that's it! I really don’t like having them. It’s a lot of work.

So, I asked in a previous post "why can't I commit to the color RED in my house?" even though I like a touch of it as you can see here....

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Where Oh where is my comment box????

I am being told by friends that my blog is still asking you to sign in with a Google account if you want to comment.  I don't know why this is happening, it's so frustrating! I really want your feedback and for some reason I can't get the comments to work. Please bear with me while I try to fix this issue. 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Frustrations and a Fun Girls Night Out!

Wheres the other daughter? Shooting!
So as I said in my previous post this has been a frustrating weekend. I spent all weekend trying to work on my blog’s “comments system”. It’s so frustrating to me that it was difficult to comment on my blog all this time unless you had Google account. I fix the problem but lose ALL my comments! Ugh…So again, to y’all that took the time to post a comment in the past, I thank you! And I am sad to have lost you. L And now after 2 years of blogging I am starting completely over with it! Dang.
And all week we were also having issues with our internet. It goes from slow to non existent. And we can’t figure out what’s wrong. We have an appt with our carrier to come out Thursday. 3 days with no internet??? Yikes! What will I do???
On a less complainy  note (Yes I said “complainy”) -I did something I have never done before last night. I went to Ladies Night at the shooting range here in town. I had so much fun! And talk about letting off some steam. J ...

Sunday, August 3, 2014


UPDATE: So I updated my comments with IntenseDebate and Commentluv....someone PLEASE comment so I can see if it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think it will work better now since anyone can comment not just google users but the down side? I LOST ALL MY COMMENTS TODAY. :(  NOT JUST SOME, BUT ALL, ON ALL MY POSTS FROM THE BEGINNING. I AM SO SAD!!

Ok, today I am beyond frustrated! I can not work out my "comments" box on this stinkin blog. I didn't realize when I 'hooked' up with Google plus comments that only people with Google accounts could comment. No one else can! I don't like that idea and lately I have had people telling me that they tried to comment on my blog and couldn't. So I have decided to go with another comment system such as Disqus or Intensedebate which appear to be some of the top comment systems out there. But I can't do it!!!! I have followed all the directions for both and neither show up. Only Google plus. It's like it attached to my blog and I can't destroy it! I "took my blog back" from Google as I read to do. All that seems to have happened it that I lost my openID, and it removed my google profile from my blog. But it left behind the Google commenting system! The one thing ...

Friday, August 1, 2014


Meet Max. He’s the newest addition to our crew. -Or I should say Mad Max cuz he's an absolute adorable, but psycho kitty. Non stop running through the house, up the stairs, around the corner, back down the stairs and yes....right up your shoulder on to the top of your head. All in a split second before you have time to duck. :) But he is a doll. He is a rescue from a rescue group in town, as are all our little four legged family members. You can see the others here.
So there’s not much going on here around the old homestead other than...