Sunday, January 18, 2015


So here it is half way through the first month of 2015 and I am just now getting around to blogging again. I took some time off at the holidays and I really felt like I was in no big hurry to get back to it. As a matter of fact I am kind of forcing myself to write this because I still don’t feel like it. Lol…I have been feeling so lazy since the first of the year and I am totally unmotivated to get started on any new projects.
Well 2014 came and went and I think I got a lot done around here. Way back in the beginning of the year I updated my living room and then decided it needed tweaking even more and now looks more like this below. Not exactly, but close. You'll notice all the shelves are gone. 
I turned a useless little.junk closet into a useful second pantry. I did a chalkboard project or two. I painted several different rooms, doors, fireplaces and misc.objects. I tried my hand at free hand art work on a bedroom wall and it turned out great.


A while back, I had an appointment with our Ladies Ministry Leader Lisa at church. Once done with our meeting, I ran into our Outreach Pastor, Michael. This was back around Thanksgiving, just as the holidays were gearing up. He asked me if I was interested in helping him on some different projects/ministries he had in mind. As we talked, he took me to where all the different items would be stored for our new food pantry and clothing project our church is instituting for the needy in Wilmington.
Stored back with other miscellaneous items was a pallet he had come across.
Immediately when I saw it, my brain lit up with ideas for how it could be used in our Church Café...