Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Today was a damp, drizzling dark and rainy day. It just screamed for something warm for the tummy. So what did I make? Chicken Noodle Soup. Now I'm not the best cook in the world but I have certainly learned over the years how to "throw" things together and come up with something pretty tasty. And that’s pretty much how I cook. I experiment and throw things together and hopefully they work out. Sometimes they don’t, but most times they do. Like this one.
Checking the pantry, I had all the ingredients I needed, so here is the home made Chicken Noodle Soup I made today. And it turned out yummy!! So I thought I'd share the recipe with you...

(2) 32 oz. Chicken Broth. I use Full Circle Organic
2 lbs boneless chicken (I like really thick soup so I use a lot)
1 bag of egg noodles
Onion (most people would use a regular onions, I use scallions ((green onions)) because I am obsessed with them)
Minced garlic (I use Christopher Ranch)
And whatever other spices you’d like! I like spicy food so I try to hold back for my family, cuz I could really go overboard!

I don't really use a lot of measurements for things like the celery, carrots and garlic. I chop and use as much as I want.
Boil/cook up your chicken in water for 20 minutes or till done. Drain the chicken but save the stock for use later. Set aside.

Chop up your celery and carrots and onion and garlic (if using whole). 
In a large pot, heat the Chicken broth and throw in all of your chopped ingredients. Bring your broth to a soft boil and let simmer. Add your noodles in and mix up. Cook the noodles as you normally would if they were just in water (about 8-10 minutes). 
By now your chicken has cooled. Shred or chop it, your choice. Then I like to toss the chicken in basil and paprika, pepper and a little salt. Add it all in the mix when the noodles are tender. Let it all simmer together for a while.
Mine tends to be very thick so if you need or want additional liquid either add more broth or use the water (chicken stock) that you cooked the chicken in and set aside earlier. (Skim the foamy stuff off first though).
Serve with some fresh buttered Italian/French bread.... Give Thanks and Enjoy!

Sorry for the horrible cell phone pictures my camera was unavailable. :(


  1. sounds yummy - chicken soup is a favorite of mine. Thanks for u r recipe !

    1. It was so good! And only 4 points on my weight watchers! lol... I love throwing things together that turn out tasty. And this was so easy. :)


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